Sunday, 12 February 2012


With a painted expression
Of absolute bliss,
She lay back on the
Bloke-covered floor,
But later she wished Seb
Would just move his hand,
As her armpit was
Getting quite sore.


Jinksy said...

Hehehe! Thanks

Kay said...

haha!! i just wish i could write an amusing poem like yours..just once...i always seem to see the dark!!

Brian Miller said...

hehe that she is concerned with the armpit of all things def gave me a chuckle...

Templeton's fury said...

ah yes, reality is never as romantic!

Doctor FTSE said...

I'm with Brian. I do believe armpit is a polite way of putting it. Thanks for the chuckle.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

who knows what she is thinking.

lovely take.

Kitten said...

Ha. It doesn't look very comfortable, does it?

Rosamund Browne said...

My pleasure, Jinksy.

Go on, Kay, try it. I'm sure you can do it. Next Magpie; look at the pic. What is the most rediculous thing you can think of? Then go from there

Brian, she may have cut herself shaving that day. Glad you chukled

T F You sound very synical. Tell me all about it.

Thanks,Orange Tree. I agree, but you can have a jolly good guess.

No, Kitten, it doesn't look very comfortable< but each to her own, I suppose.

Helen said...

Wonderful! Bloke covered floor - brilliant!

Patsy said...

It does look like a stunt done for publicity!

chiccoreal said...

Dear Rosamund: Seb should do that~ Enjoyable fun~!

Helena said...

lol......what a hoot! Delighted there is an amusing one among these - from a challenging picture,too! Well done!