Sunday, 5 February 2012



I bought this at a car boot
So slinky, posh and bright
It only cost me fifty P,
I fell for it at sight

 Looks a right treat on me mantle,
With them fingers long and tall,
Underneath my Albert’s photo
Hanging up there on the wall.

  His bit of stuff ‘ad ‘ands like that,
The cow! She fleeced ‘im rotten,
He didn’t think I knew of ‘er,
But no, I’ve not forgotten.


Tess Kincaid said...

Delightful...thanks for the smiles!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

This is quite witty,
love your word play, way to go.


Brian Miller said...

oo interesting twist as this progressed...ha...glad you still keep the picture hanging any way...smiles.

rel said...

they always know!

Wayne Pitchko said...

very nice indeed...thanks for sharing your words

Rosamund Browne said...

Thanks for the Magpie, Tess. I love the challenge. Taylor Boomer, you say the nicest things. Thanks, Brian. I wasn't sure about the twist at first, but it obviously worked. rel, hos do you know they always know? Ahh, thanks, Catfish Tales. Sweet of you. My pleasure, Wayne. Thank YOU!

Doctor FTSE said...

I love the ones that amuse.

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

love the wit and imagery.

way to go.